Birther derangement syndrome

It only appears to be activated by the color black (from the Texas Tribune):

When Democrat Barack Obama was running for president in 2008, Republican voter Christina Katok of Walden said she believed he was ineligible for the job.

She reasoned that he was born in Kenya and therefore wasn’t a “natural born” American — one of a handful of constitutional requirements for the job. (Obama’s birth certificate shows that he was born in Hawaii, but some critics do not accept that as fact.)

Fast forward six years and another freshman U.S. senator, Canadian-born Tea Party firebrand Ted Cruz of Texas, is being mentioned as a potential 2016 presidential candidate. But Katok, who would vote for Cruz in a heartbeat, doesn’t have any concerns about his eligibility.

“As far as I’m concerned, Canada is not really foreign soil,” she said. Katok said she was more disturbed by Obama’s “strong ties to Kenya,” the African country where his father was born. She also said she didn’t like the fact that Obama did not release his long-form birth certificate during the 2008 race.

Maybe it’s some kind of medical condition. These are seemingly normal functioning people who just have an issue when seeing black and white. That’s why they have a problem with a mixed race guy who was born in the United States and whose father was born in Kenya, but have no problem with a white guy born in Canada whose father was born in Cuba and fought on the side of Fidel Castro during the Cuban revolution.

This Sacramento Bee cartoon pretty much captures birther logic:


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